Adwords or now know is best described as the listings on page one of your Google Search . You normally see these listings with a sponsored notification signalling a paid AD from the person you are looking for .
The person who listed the AD will pay for you to click on the AD , certain keywords are differently priced and may vary according from industry to industry. The higher the budget the longer you stay number one for longer throughout the day .
Adwords definitely allows for a quicker listing on page one than an organic search , however the negative effect is that it will cost you more. You will also compete for that number one spot with competitors with higher budgets. The system can also allow you to have bid for higher keywords so you can compete with a lower budget .
Ideally the best option is to have both Adwords and Organic running at the same time , in the long run the organic searches catch up to ranking on page one and the Adwords budgets can then slowly decrease .
The ideal part of Adwords , you will essentially have more control over the ads , like ad scheduling , pausing ads when your company closes for end of the year for example. You can also schedule for the Ads to run from Mon to Fri from 8am to 5pm , when your sales team is ready to answer calls from your ads .
You can also have more keywords , short or longer keywords . Google research shows the longer the keyword the better the result. A lot of effort goes to setting up a campaign and including setting up attractive Ads.
For more info on how we can help you can click on here :
All Adwords require a landline number , we also can assist you with this :